meet the mckinnons

Sara is a Holistic Mystic. She is an empathic, intuitive spirit who has a gift and ability of connecting with most everyone she meets. She fully embodies and teaches a Holistic lifestyle and applies Holistic principals to every aspect of her life. Sara especially loves spending time creating nourishing, life-giving recipes with her daughter Sage by her side. Sara's passion for Holistic living was propelled by the pain teacher of Crohn's disease and ultimately an Ostomy. Sara experienced complete surrender as she underwent life-saving surgery to remove her colon in July 2020, which was the darkest night of her soul to date. It has led Sara to the deepest transformation of mind, body and spirit she has ever experienced in her life. She lives in full alignment and gratitude for each and every day.

Sara holds spiritual development as one of her most important values. She began to reawakento her true self following her commitment to being clean and sober from alcohol. Sara is almost a decade and a half free from alcohol, and has been expanding her spirituality ever since. Sara has been able to incorporate healthy rituals into her daily life to assist in replacing the old, self sabotaging behaviors.

Sara has over 2 decades of experience in the beauty industry, working behind the chair and educating for 2 different product companies. Sara knows first hand about the dangers in the toxic chemicals used in the industry. Her knowledge from being a beauty industry insider has been the perfect compliment along with her holistic health background to be of service in guiding people towards living a non-toxic lifestyle.

Sara has fully surrendered to a life of constant transformation and self inquiry while enjoying the process of life. Sara is happiest being with her family immersed in the beautiful nature of Cape Ann Massachusetts.


Ron believes that true health is more than just physical. The human body is not a machine. In order to achieve optimal health, we must take a holistic approach to living, which includes the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of life. This ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how he or she interacts with his or her environment. It emphasizes the connection of mind, body and spirit.

Ron's health and training philosophy has not always been holistic. When Ron first started personal training in 2001, he trained both himself and his clients the same way, utilizing “old-school” bodybuilding techniques. It was "no-pain no-gain" and a calories-in /calories-out approach to training and nutrition However, Ron's health and training philosophy got a serious overhaul in 2011, when he experienced his own health challenges, which included the surgical removal of his gallbladder. Ron has since transformed his own body, mind and spirit, using holistic principles and is passionate about helping people live happier, healthier lives.