2020 Inner-Vision

As we are quickly approaching a brand new year and decade, it is commonplace to think about a fresh start. For me, when I see the number 2020, I think, “Perfect Vision.” The “Vision” being our Inner-Visions. What a great time to get a fresh start on what our Inner-Visions actually even are? What makes you tick? What are your passions and true desires? What is it that you came here to do? What is your PURPOSE?

When we begin to get clear on what our DREAMS and VISIONS are, we can live life with so much more clarity and confidence. When you know what your soul’s purpose is, you will begin to live in your truth, instead of in a place of fear, which is the biggest thing that can hold us back in life.

We are now watching the old systems starting to fall apart. The old establishments that have controlled and manipulated human consciousness for far too long. We are starting to see that there are better ways of living on the earth as human-kind. We are starting to build conscious COMMUNITY all around the world that is helping to shift and raise the vibration of the planet.

When we start to understand our truth, we can start to unlock the truth for all of human kind. When we get really clear on our INNER-VISIONS, we can start to see very clearly what our purpose is in order to be the best of service to humanity that we can possibly be.

Things like daily prayer, meditation, breath work, gratitude practice, and yoga are ways that help guide us towards our inner truth. It is not always an easy path, but it is a path of tremendous rewards. When you start to feel these practices shift things within you and around you, you just want to continue to move forward with your inner work with every cell in your being.

My prayer for Humanity is that 2020 is the year that crystal clear Inner and collective Vision is ignited in each and every one of us. Together, we can change the world!

Join us for some of our new 2020 offerings! New Adult Yoga class starts Wednesday, January 8th at 6 p.m. at the Floating Lotus, 169 Main Street, Gloucester, Detox Programs - Time and Location TBD, Holistic Community Gatherings- Open to the Public- Date and Time TBD, Podcasts, Videos and MORE! Check out our events page for upcoming workshops and offerings.

(Album Cover- Stevie Wonder INNERVISSIONS)

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