A Gut Feeling Your Gut Needs Healing...

Have you ever had that feeling in your gut that something in your body is not in balance? Is your digestion off in some way shape or form? Has feeling bloated and having your stomach extend throughout the day become your normal? If so, you are NOT alone. I had been there longer than I was ever willing to admit or even pay attention to.

This picture is me now, happy, healthy and free! But, it was certainly not always this way. It has been a journey through suffering and pain, to come through to the other side. It has been years and years of emotional and spiritual work, as well as removing environmental toxins from my and my family’s life.

Through my diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis/Chrone’s Disease/Digestive Auto-Immune Disease, in August 2013, I have spent many dark nights of the soul digging deep down the rabbit hole of the root cause and holistic solutions for my body. It has ultimately been one of my greatest gifts and biggest teachers. It has led me to remove environmental toxins by ways of removing any and all toxic beauty products, cleaners, detergents, soaps, GMOs/Glyphosates, ect. It has lead me to natural solutions such as making my own products, growing our own food, supporting local farmers and health food stores, getting water from a natural , local spring, being part of a raw milk club, removing our WiFi router from our home to reduce EMFs and WiFi radiation, and the list goes on and will continue to grow and expand. Ultimately, vibrant health is the result of getting back to nature, and back to our truths.

I have not been on this journey alone. My soul mate, Ronnie has been right by my side every. single. step, and breath along the way. We have immersed ourselves in the natural healing world together and independently. It feels so natural to be alongside my partner and to come out into the world and presenting our learning, and now our teachings, to humanity.

The biggest hurdle in the state of the health of humanity today is environmental toxins and stinking thinking. Hippocrates said it over 2000 years ago, all disease starts in the gut! We are just starting to understand more and more each day how true this really is. Leaky gut and gut dysbiosis is the leading root cause of disorders such as ADD, depression, autism, auto-immune disease, depression, joint inflammation, and the list goes on and on. We are in a culture that wants a quick fix, or a pill to just make the pain go away. All that does is prolongs the pain, and in most cases makes it worse. True healing takes a commitment to yourself and seeing your body as a temple that you will no longer pollute! Truth be told, it is not a quick or easy path, but the rewards are endless, and the outcome is allowing yourself to live you best life.

In our workshops on Gut Health, we dive deep into the causes and some super imperative solutions towards healing the body in a holistic way. We truly believe that by taking this step towards more optimum health, that you too can live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life! For more information on our workshops, click here https://www.healthyhappyhumanity.com/events

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