Nourishing Foods for a Happy, Healthy Family

As my healing journey continues to grow and expand, I feel more tuned into the energy of the foods I eat. Eating has become an intuitive practice for me and more and more I am drawn to life giving food sources that are provided by NATURE and grown in harmony with NATURE, in comparison to foods that are lifeless, toxic, processed, and grown by corporations.

When I first started to pay attention to the foods that I put into my body, it was more based on a “diet” approach. I wanted to obtain a certain body so that I would feel better about myself. I was concerned with low calorie and no fat. I no longer count calories, and I accept healthy fats into my life as a daily practice. I have gotten to a place where I am more focused on FEELING good, than LOOKING good. Although, when you feel good, looking good happens to be a beneficial side effect.

It has been a pleasure and a passion to learn about nourishing traditions for our optimum health and vitality. Currently, our family diet includes things such as natural spring water, raw milk, organic foods, foods from local farmers, and our garden. At home, we grow broccoli sprouts, make sauerkrauts and the list keeps expanding. Almost all of our food is made at home, from scratch. This will continue to be fine tuned as we expand and grow our knowledge of nourishing and healing the body.

Getting Sage involved with the cooking has been a really fun new milestone we have hit recently. She takes pride in gathering the ingredients with Mama, and the prepping, cooking and of course enjoying the food. I find that the more involved she is in the foods I prepare, the more interested she is in eating them! Some of our favorites lately have been baking nutrient dense muffins, pies, and soups.

It has been a true gift to be able to enjoy this beautiful way of eating with our growing child.

Pictured is a soup we made today with locally foraged Hen of the Woods and Chicken of the Woods mushrooms from our girl Francina, gorgeous veggies from our winter farm share at Aprilla farm in Essex, and of course a lot of magic and love!

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