How to THRIVE In a Toxic World

It can feel overwhelming when you start to consider the current state in regards to toxicity. Toxins are literally everywhere. They are in our foods, our water, our cleaning products, beauty products, pharmaceuticals, cookware and even our air! There are even toxic people, and toxic thinking. Mainstream media, “Reality” TV, and the NEWS all lead to toxic thoughts!! You would be hard pressed to meet anyone who doesn’t have a cell phone, which emit dangerous levels of EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequencies) and WiFi radiation. Auto-Immune disease, Autism, Cancer and Chronic Diseases continue to rise. The CDC reported in 2017 that 54% of children suffer from Chronic Disease. Our bodies and our planet suffer from the tremendous amount of toxins. The problem can sometimes feel bigger than us, leaving many people to surrender to it because cleaning up your personal environment (and ultimately the environment at large) just seems so daunting…

So what can we do? We can start to become informed. We can start by taking baby steps, maybe one thing a week. When you take the leap, you just want to keep moving forward. It can be done, and my family and I are living proof.

In my 20’s, I had a successful Hair-Styling career. I was inundated with toxins on a daily basis. From hair-color, to products, nail polishes, gossip and negative self-image. I did my hair and makeup everyday, not knowing that every time I did my hair and “put my face on,” I was also putting countless chemicals into my body. Body lotions, soaps, shampoos and conditioners….really the list just goes on. Over my career I worked for 2 product companies as a product knowledge and color educator. I know first hand from my experience in the industry, how harmful many of the ingredients in beauty products can be. I had started to really dive into a holistic lifestyle while I was still a stylist, and finally ended my career following my diagnosis of Auto-Immune disease in August 2013. I believe that the toxic environment of the hair salon heavily contributed to my healing crisis, which is one of the reasons behind my passion for coaching people to consider cleaning up their own beauty rituals.

For many years I believed that I had a “clean” diet. Maybe comparatively it was “clean.” I had zero idea about the importance of choosing Organic foods, let alone what GMO’s or Glyphosates were. I was more concerned about calories and fat than how the foods were actually processed. When Ronnie and I started to really scrutinize labels, we were very intrigued to figure out what things like “natural flavors” actually were, as they were in SO MANY of the foods and beverages we were putting into our body. I no longer even consider calories, and healthy fats are a massive staple in my day to day regime. There are very few things that I put into my body that even have a list of ingredients or tell me how many calories are in it.

Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs), Bluetooth and WiFi radiation are a huge concern and staple in our modern day lifestyles. What can you do? There are so many resources available now that help to reduce the impact of these stressors. Whatever you do, please keep your phone away from your body (especially pregnant mamas!). There have been links to men who wear their cell phones in their pockets and testicular cancer. Reports are accumulating of young women getting a diagnosis of Breast Cancer with the tumors being located exactly where they store their phone in their bras. When talking on a cell phone, choose speaker and avoid putting the phone to your head. Think twice before wearing an IWatch- studies have shown these devices emit as much of these harmful frequencies as a cell phone. And lastly, but in my opinion most importantly, keep your child off of devices. Experiential research has found that exposure reduces brain cells and causes brain cell death in the memory and learning centers of the brain. Children’s heads are softer and their brains are developing at a rapid rate. Small influences can have a massive effect. Ronnie and I now have an EMF detector that we have used in our home to detect levels, and we use it as a tool when working with clients.

Applying a Holistic Lifestyle is more important now than ever before. It is imperative that we improve the quality of our lives and reduce our impact on this planet. Teaching and EMPOWERING Human-kind to choose this alternative path is what drives us. It is our duty to share our knowledge with the world and the one’s we love. I believe that we can make the shift individually and collectively. If not now, when?

To learn more about how you can THRIVE in a TOXIC World, sign up for our next FREE talk through the Common Crow Natural Market in Gloucester, MA on Wednesday, February 12th at 6:15 p.m. More info at If you want to dive even deeper into this knowledge and lifestyle, check out the services that we offer at You CAN make a difference in the world and be happier and healthier life than you ever dreamed was possible!

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