Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia

The Ringing Cedars Book Series are, in my opinion, some of the MOST important books of our time. I first stumbled upon Anastasia and her teachings about 4 years ago. I was on my fertility journey and I was listening to a podcast about Conscious Conception. The woman being interviewed kept speaking of Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars and I was so incredibly intrigued. I ordered book 1, Anastasia, from the library, and it arrived just in time for a getaway we were going on to our dear friend’s home in Penobscot, Maine. Her home was the perfect setting for me to start my journey into the Ringing Cedars of Russia, as it is nestled amongst nature on peaceful Pierce’s Pond.

Once I picked this book up, I could not put it down. I was completely enthralled. The Story is about Author Vladimir Megre, a tradesman who’s riverboat expedition took him on the River Ob in Siberia. This is where he met Anastasia. Anastasia is a recluse who lives alone in the Siberian Taiga Forrest. She is from a lineage of people who have lived in perfect harmony with nature and have passed down through generations ancient secrets and knowledge. She lives in perfect harmony with nature and her surroundings. She took Vladimir into her world and showed her how she lives. She told him about her knowledge of where we came from as Humanity and where we need to go and what we need to do in order to live in PEACE and in HARMONY with nature.

I bought book 1 and re-read it over and over again. But there were 8 more books in the series and none of them were available at the library. Fast forward 3 years. I was at a friend’s house for the first time and I was in awe of her extensive book collection. I happened to mention the Ringing Cedars to her. She went into another room, came back, and voila! There she stood with the complete collection. She was so gracious to let me borrow the books one by one. My mind expanded with every word I read from these transformative books. I needed to own every copy for myself, as these are books that need to be read over and over due to the dense content. Ronnie surprised me with the series for my birthday- so grateful.

Anastasia’s parents left their physical bodies when she was a baby, and she was left to be raised by her Great Grandfather and Grandfather. These men were well into their years when Vladimir met them. They told Vladimir about the Ringing Cedars of Russia and how they are the MOST SACRED tree on the earth- next to the Lebanese Cedar. These Cedar trees have the ability to absorb positive energy from the collective. When the trees have met their capacity of energy absorption, they start to ring. This is when the cedar must be cut down, and the wood is to be made into pendants. Those who wear the pendants will be healed from whatever ails them.

Anastasia speaks of ever important topics such as child rearing and schooling, the Vedic Culture that we all once came from, how language has been changed and manipulated to hide truths from us, how the 6 High Priests (the 6 main corporations that are running the show) tapped into the ego and led us astray, the wild innate powers that we have lost touch with, how Eco-Communities and building our Kin Domains will help us to heal ourselves and the planet, how we need to come together as a human collective to heal the situation we have found ourselves in and SO MUCH more.

“Anastasia herself has stated that these books consist of words and combinations which have a beneficial effect on the reader.” I have often been asked, can I get it on my kindle? No. These words must be read in the actual physical book form. These books have sold over 10 million copies world wide and they have never had an advertising campaign. They have been made popular by word of mouth alone. These books have given way to the right of citizens of Russia to be given 1 hectare of land (2.5 acres) to anyone who wishes to build their own Kin Domain. Land is a GOD given right for human-kind!

Vladimir and Anastasia had their first meeting back in 1994. This is when they conceived their son together. It wasn’t until 2005 that the books were properly translated into English by Leonid Sharashkin. Translating from Russian to English is a challenging thing since the Russian language is a language of the heart, derived from Sanskrit, that contains 33 letter. English is a logical language of the mind that contains only 26 letters. Sharashkin delivers in his ability to translate these beautiful books.

My friend and I joke that Anastasia is the original Wim Hof. She (Anastasia) is my original inspiration that has helped me to connect with my wild nature and ability to thrive in the cold. She helped me and Ronnie to consciously conceive our daughter Sage. She has helped me understand on a deeper level the importance of life-giving food and water as well as the importance of COMMUNITY. She has solidified my questioning of all of our current systems (that are finally crumbling), and given me the confidence in me to plan a home school curriculum for Sage and our future children. She has got me constantly dreaming of a self sustaining off-grid eco-community…

I believe that if every single person on this planet read these books, we would be able to collectively change the course we are on. “O, God! People, at least give it a try, I beg of you!” -Anastasia, book 4, Co-Creation.

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