My Evolution of WILD SWIMMING on Cape Ann

When I started my Wim Hof Method journey this past October, 2019, I had no idea how this great adventure was going to unfold or what was in store for me. I can honestly say that this gift of Wild Swimming has been by far one of the MOST rewarding experiences I have ever encountered.

I have always been an avid summer ocean swimmer, but my limiting beliefs had me thinking that “I could not swim in the ocean in the winter…” I am here to tell you that you actually CAN swim in the ocean all year round. Not only is it possible, but it has a tremendous amount of health benefits that go along with it. I was attracted to it not only because of my love and passion for ocean swimming, but also because I truly believed it could keep me from flaring from my past issues with digestive autoimmune disease. In the past, I had flared in the winters. It made me depressed and completely debilitated my mind, body and spirit. I have a child, and a life, and I need to be present for all of it.

I decided that I was ready to leave the old story behind and I began to do a LOT of work on creating a new story around the winter and the colder months. I didn’t know how it was going to happen, but I kept on asking God, The Universe, whatever you want to call it. It found me at the perfect time. I just kept swimming straight through the fall, the winter, and now almost into the spring.

I started the journey with my husband, Ronnie and good friend, Jessica. We were all really in it for the health benefits and the connection with nature. I started off with doing about 1.5 minutes. I would look at photos and beat myself up. My shoulders weren’t all the way in, I could have stayed in longer…Then, my shoulders went in, and I was up to 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes…I once did over 20 minutes. Next, I started going under. This has been extra rewarding because of the benefits the cold water has on the vagus nerve, the pituitary gland, and the pineal gland. I went from doing it once a week, to twice a week, to 5 times, and for the past 2 months i have not missed one day. Sometimes I go twice a day if I can! I enjoy the potency of welcoming the sunrise over some of Cape Ann’s beloved beaches. Once a month I swim in the moon charged waters as the full moon rises over Good Harbor Beach.

I was posting about my journey on social media. People thought i was CRAZY at first. But, I kept posting, and kept talking about it because I became addicted and truly believe in it. It was evident that my health was becoming better than it has ever been in my life, and the euphoria I was experiencing became contagious.

People who once thought I was CRAZY, began showing interest in joining me. I wanted to be equipped to be able to facilitate teaching others, so I embarked on the 10 week Wim Hof Method Fundamentals course online. I began teaching it once a week at Cape Ann Power Yoga. I had a few of my friends start joining, and they started posting and talking about it. The trickle effect began taking place and it began to gain momentum pretty quickly.

One of the greatest benefits that I have experienced, and did not see coming was how much FUN, BLISS and JOY I would be having. I joke that I am having more fun by 7 0’clock in the morning than most people have in a lifetime. There has been such an uplifting and incredible community of people that has formed. We get at least a few new people joining us each week. I have reconnected with old friends and made new ones. We have connected and bonded through unconditional love and support for one another. We cheer each other on and share our experiences . I can guarantee you that this is not a trend, but something that most of us will be doing for the rest of our lives. I look forward to see how this Wild Swimming continues to unfold over the years, as this is only the beginning!

We call ourselves the Wild Swimmers of Cape Ann. It is a name i came up with that is inspired by the beautiful book Taking the Plunge by Anna Deacon and Vicky Allan. This book is an amazing depiction of what we all have been experiencing in our own lives. The book is about the Wild Swimmers of Scotland and I can assure you that this practice is ALIVE and well over there. They were my inspiration for putting together a sunrise swim for International Women’s Day, where we had 22 ladies come together to represent the only organized International Women’s Day Swim in the United States,. We were recognized by our own Good Morning Gloucester, and by The Outdoor Swimming Society (

I feel so blessed to have found this practice and that winter is now my new favorite season. I feel embraced by the cold and by my awesome swimming buddies. I am also eternally grateful to Ronnie for supporting me on my swims and caring for our daughter Sage while I go out and get my fix every day. I am healthier and stronger in mind, body and spirit. I have overcome body shame and have stepped into a newfound body confidence. I love and honor my body and I am so grateful for my body that takes me on these swimming adventures. I have overcome fear and limiting beliefs and I realize that if all of this is possible, than what else am I capable of? Everyday, every minute, every breath and every swim is a gift.

If you are interested in experiencing what this Wild Swimming is all about, join me on Saturday, March 21st at 10:45 a.m. for my workshop Journey into the Cold Atlantic at Cape Ann Power Yoga. More information on the workshop on my Events page and at

*Photo is courtesy of John Abisamra. John is a talented photographer who specialized in Sunrises and landscapes of our beautiful Cape Ann. John’s website is This photo was taken at Long Beach Sunrise on March 9th, 2020 with my dear Sunrise Sisters of the Sea, Julie Upton and Ivana Ustariz.

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