You Be You

A few days ago, I was asked for a short Bio of myself to use for marketing an interview that I will be doing with a dear friend of mine. I haven't updated my Bio in over a year and so much has changed and shifted in my life since then. As I read the old Bio, it was like revisiting an old version of me that no longer exists. It wasn’t even that long ago and yet I am completely changed. The old me was a people pleaser who tried to fit into someone else's mold. Who did I want to portray myself as so that people wouldn’t think I was too “out there?” How could I avoid criticism (especially from myself)? The old me certainly would not have been posting pictures of myself 4 months post Ostomy surgery in minimal clothing in the middle of December, or any other time of year for that matter.

My old Bio was cookie cutter at best. I have lots of interesting things I’ve gone through on my journey that define me and things that I have to offer. I laid out the bullet points of my life in chronological order, and it all just sounded so boring.

The first version of my new Bio was more of the same with some things taken out and some things added. I read the Bio's of some people who I admire which left me feeling even less satisfied with mine.

And then came the sleepless night of creating my new Bio in my brain. Who am I REALLY, truly and authentically. What are the best parts of me that I want to share with the world. When I woke up this morning, I wrote out my Bio as I had seen it in my head the night before, as if it was channeled to me. I needed specific words such as propelled, surrender, and mermaid. How can I convey who I am in the fewest words possible and make a big impact. Make people want to get to know me more.

I have done a tremendous amount of inner work to get to a place that I can really say I know who I am. The only person I can be is me. No one else can be me. In order to be me, I have had to protect my energies, set boundries and do countless hours of self development. I am getting better every single day at loving, knowing and honoring the person I came to this Earth to be. I am so grateful for this gift of writing and re-writing my Bio.

I would like to invite you to write your own short Bio. Even if no one ever sees it. What would you want it to say? What kind of impact would you want to make on this beautiful Earth? What special gifts and talents do you have to share? What makes you unique? What makes YOU YOU!?


Here is my revised and reimagined Bio for December 9th, 2020-

Sara is an empathic, intuitive spirit who has a gift and ability of connecting with most everyone she meets. She fully embodies and teaches a Holistic lifestyle and applies Holistic principals to every aspect of her life. Sara especially loves spending time creating nourishing, life-giving recipes with her daughter Sage by her side. Sara's passion for Holistic living was propelled by the pain teacher of Crohn's disease and ultimately an Ostomy. Sara experienced complete surrender as she underwent life-saving surgery to remove her colon in July 2020, which was the darkest night of her soul to date. It has led Sara to the deepest transformation of mind, body and spirit she has ever experienced in her life. She lives in alignment with her true self and in gratitude for each and every day.    

Sara is a Mermaid who swims in the cold northern Atlantic waters nearly everyday. This is the medicine of her soul.    

She is wife, mother, truth seeker, yogi and Supernova Soul who's purpose in this lifetime is to lead humanity into a Happier and Healthier world!

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